Palynological study of Nonea (Boraginaceae-Boragineae) in Iran


1 , PHD.Alzahra University

2 PHD, Alzahra University

3 PHD.Islamic Azad University- Tehran North Branch


Nonea Medik. is a genus of the Boraginaceae tribe Boragineae, with approximately 35 species worldwide. Examination of their palynological characters supported the separation of taxa, which is usually based on morphological and micromorphological reproductive features. Pollen grains of 10 taxa representing three groups of taxa in Iran, the N. caspica group, the N. persica group and the N. lutea group were studied, but N. rosea and N. turcomanica were not included. The results differed from previous studies in Iran. The N. caspica group, including N. caspica, N. melanocar-pa, and N. diffusa has 5-6-zonocolporate pollen grains with a psilate-punctate tectum. The N. per-sica group, including, N. p. var. persica, var. suchtelenioides, and N. pulla have 4-zonocolporate pollen grains with a psilate-punctate tectum. Finally the N. lutea group, including N. lutea var. lu-tea and N. l. var. flavescens, have 5-zonocolporate pollen grains with a reticulate-micro reticulate tectum. N. rosea and N. turcomanica have 5-zonocolporate pollen grains with a scrobiculate tec-tum ? 2011 Progress in Biological Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 2, 36-43.
